The Land

The Land

With a single agenda of Service in mind, Founder went on to meet, the Collector, Rangareddy Dt., and at the office of the Collector he was acquainted with the DRO Sri Manikyala Rao who further advised the abhaya team to meet Sri Gunna Rajender Reddy, Chairman of Vinobhanagar Development Society (VDS), Ibrahimpatnam. After a meeting with abhaya Team, they were awestruck the genuine and humongous work done by abhaya. They were impressed by the work of abhaya and unconditionally offered 2 Acres of land on lease for 25 years in 2012.

The lease documents blessed by Baba:

Founder, while returning from the office of VDS with lease documents in hands thought of offering them at thy feet…He while travelling got struck in the traffic exactly before Sivam…The abode of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in Hyderabad. He felt it is again a Divine Coincidence and stepped into the Sivam and offered the document at the feet of Baba praying that he should take care of the property as it’s his own.

About US

abhaya Home of Happiness as we know it today is a charitable organization founded by Balachandra in the 2012 for serving the destitute….

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