abhaya Logos

The Logos

(Symbols of assurance by the Lord)


Sri Gollapudi Narasimha Murthy who was just returned from USA, was approached by the Founder in 2006 soon after abhaya FOUNDATION was registered, with a request to provide a suitable Logo for abhaya. Murthy, a HeArtist with a difference knowing the name of NGO, said he will share a logo. He shared the present logo in just 24 hours, a perfect match for abhaya and its mission which has Baba’s face and divine hand encrypted in it. The same is now registered trade mark.

When enquired as how he could create such a wonderful logo in such a short span, he replied saying that the logo created by him long back without knowing the reason. He further said it may be will of GOD for abhaya and its Mission.

abhaya Home of Happiness

Further, in 2012, when Team abhaya conceptualized abhaya Home of Happiness, Founder sought the help of Murthy again with a request for a logo… he took considerable time and created a logo with an arch over abhaya Logo!

When enquired about the concept, apart from many themes, he shared one divine theme… That it’s a shelter of GOD, Jeeva – Deva, abhaya End to End Happiness, Linga & Rudraksha.

About US

abhaya Home of Happiness as we know it today is a charitable organization founded by Balachandra in the 2012 for serving the destitute….

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