

abhaya believe that change is possible in the world only through education. In our country where still much of the rural folk and even a degree of the urban folk are illiterate, it is imperative for both the government, the corporates and in general the society to ensure that people are encouraged and motivated towards education. In pursuit of this noble objective, abhaya has been supporting 100s poor and meritorious students persuing higher education until their settlemnet. Every year 25 students are shortlisted based on their merit. These students are selected from all the states irrespective of their gender, colour, creed, caste, religion and region.

On the other hand, Team abhaya is working on 100s of Govt Schools in the Country with the support of CSR Funds.

About US

abhaya Home of Happiness as we know it today is a charitable organization founded by Balachandra in the 2012 for serving the destitute….

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