
Why Donation

Even tough will and dedication are the ones that take life forward; in times like these it is indeed money that fuels the vehicle of Life forward. And abhaya is charitable organization that solely depends on donations from individuals. 

With growing admirers of abhaya Home the requests to take new inmates have also been growing. We also receive requests from children who are trying to get rid of their sick and old age parents, and there are also instances where the parents run from their children and seek shelter at abhaya Home. 

There are also heart wrenching stories where people are in need of genuine care and support, some of them are in state where they cannot remember their own name or whereabouts, some of them are in a helpless state lying on the road no one to bother, covered in murk and dirt and in a worst physical condition. It is this kind of people that needs our service more than anyone else. 

Abhaya believes in quality of service rather quantity of service which is why there is always a tremendous need of Funds for the organization. Just do the arithmetic of the expenditure an average home of 4 people need to survive, now just manifold the expenditure to ten times or odd while noting the point where all the residents are elderly, sick and in need of medical help every now and then Yes! Now you many have the idea of the dire need of funds abhaya Home is need of!

Apart from destitute care, abhaya also carries out empowerment programs where the students are taken in as residents for the due course of time and it also involves a lot of expenditure. 

About US

abhaya Home of Happiness as we know it today is a charitable organization founded by Balachandra in the 2012 for serving the destitute….

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