
abhaya Hrudayam

(Sponsored by Meda Family)

abhaya Hrudayam is the administration block where all the management and coordination of activities of abhaya and abhaya Home are carried out. abhaya Hrudayam also have couple of class rooms, which were used for teaching Driving classes. The multifunctional modern interiors of this block are sponsored by “Squares Interiors”. In the main hall, a Driving Simulator is been installed for abhaya Youth Empowerment Initiatives

Divya Darshini, it is the office room and also this is the place where all the meetings with visitors and board members take place. Also, Founder has made a small abode for himself at this room. 

Guru Darshini, it is the section where the Computer lab is set up and youngsters are trained with Computer literacy and they are counseled during the meetings. 

abhaya Prasadam

(Sponsored by surapaneni Family)

This is the place where the fully equipped modern kitchen supported by “Agromech Industries” which can cater to 200 people. The premises also house RO water plant to supply clean drinking water for all the inmates which is sponsored by “Asha Jyothi”. Huge Dining hall will equip more than 200 people for any meeting or events. 

abhaya Nivasam

(Sponsored by GSPV Trust)

can accommodate 40 inmates, with varying room sizes, with common bathrooms. Those who are in immobile and in dependant condition are kept in isolated wards with attached bathrooms under the nursing care. Till date, more than 100 destitute were cared at abhaya Home since 2013.


abhaya Aathma Bandhu

(Sponsored by SBI)

The campus have an ambulance sponsored by “SBI”, Hyderabad, which is used during emergency needs of not just their inmates but also others in need.

abhaya Acharanam

(Sponsored by Ramesh Gelli Learning Center)

is where all the rural youth will be provided shelter. Donors supported to set up 3 single rooms for providing facilities to managerial staff. My Home Industries sponsored Sanitary Block in the premises. This place also can accommodate 50 students. This place is sponsored by Sri Ramesh Gelli, renowned Banker in AP & Telangana and also the Founder of Ramesh Gelli Foundation.

Women Empowerment

abhaya CCL Women Empowerment Center, this is the place where the inception of women empowerment program has taken birth. CCL (Continental Coffee Ltd) is the backbone of these training programs where underprivileged / unemployed / under employed Rural Women are trained for tailoring classes in their own villages and also given new sewing machines on 50% subsidy to contribute towards their livelihood. Beautician, Maggam, Jute Bags, Tie Making, Handicrafts, Driving, Computers etc., classes were also started at a later period after success of tailoring classes. 

abhaya Hyundai Motor Driving School

is another part of abhaya Home which is a fully equipped driving school with Hyundai Cars registered with Road Transport Authority and a driving simulator sponsored by KFintech. abhaya home has established a permanent set up for conduction driving lessons for rural and unemployed youth. The project has been a huge success and has been carried out at various other locations in other states too in South India. We have also been collaborated with the RTA, Ibrahimpatbam, RR Dist to provide license to eligible candidates who have cleared all the driving tests. More than 1000 rural students learned driving at this school till date.

Home away from Home

With 2 acres of area and 16,000 square feet of infrastructure abhaya Home has the capacity to carry out a wide range of activities. abhaya Home has a fully equipped kitchen that can support to cater to the hunger of a couple of hundreds. The open grounds of the campus are not left in vain; they are put to their optimum use by harvesting essential plants that are used on day to day basis. 

abhaya Home of Happiness is home to many natural seasonal useful and beautiful trees that bear many seasonal fruits like, Boppaya, Jock fruit, Seethaphal, Sapota, Indian goose berry, ice apple, Lemon, promo granite, gova, and the king of fruits mango…many other alike. The inmates of Home get to relish the goodness of the nature through all ways of perception. What could be healthier than to live on home grown harvest! 

There is also a check dam within a couple of hundred meters of the campus, which provide ceaseless flow of fresh, pure and natural water. It’s a wonderful site to visit during the rainy season. The waterfall and the greenery gives you a slight taste of a hill station.  

All the day to day activities are shared amongst the inmates. One can see that despite the age, gender and the health state they are in they all offer their services in one way or the other. They are only a couple of paid staff to support the immobile inmates. 

While the initial idea of abhaya Home of Happiness is destitute care, with time it has prospered into a multi dimensional service center for a broad spectrum of activities. abhaya Home has the infrastructure to functionally accommodate the empowerment activities like driving, tailoring, computer training centers, plumbing, electrical and other repair training programs.

Divine visit by HH Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji:

HH Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji visited the Campus during 2015 and planted the divine Neem and Ravi saplings and also unveiled the Seva Spurthy pylon in the premises. The Sthupa is icon of Unity in Diversity. it also display the Vision, Mission, Purpose and the Prayer of abhaya and Home. 

abhaya Computer Learning Center

abhaya Computer Learning Center is a part of abhaya Home named as Guru Darshini this is where unemployed youth from rural background are trained with computer literacy and many other required programs that can pave the way for their employment. The Computer equipment is sponsored by Infosys and other companies. R&A Associates, Company Secretary es, Hyderabad kindly provided furniture for lab set up. Digvijay Coaching Center, Hyderabad generously provided 200 iron chairs for the use in the campus.

NAC EHW (Electrical House Wiring) Course:

abhaya Home hosted Electrical House Wiring course in collaboration with National Academy of Construction, Hyderabad. 100+ students took this course in 2 batches and earning livelihood with this.

abhaya Home...The Epicenter of Selfless Work:

The seasonal missions of abhaya like Hunt the winter and Hunt the summer are conducted from Home, making it a stock point for blankets/umbrellas and also distribution center to various locations across the south Indian states. 

Not just that, every time during natural calamities like, rains and floods abhaya Home acts as a shelter point for those in need and also distribution point of stocked essential items sponsored by well wishers and donors along with abhaya. 

Destitute Care and beyond

destitute care is the major motive of Home and currently 25 people who are uncared by their own living here with respect. Some of them can work and care for others, some of them can do petty works, some of them can just support themselves and some of them need to be cared from bathing to sleeping and watched constantly by someone. There are a few who are not just physically ill but also not mentally well. There are instances where a couple of them lose their sanity and go wild at times.  Well, its family, everyone deserves each other’s love and care during tough times which is exactly seen there.

Corona Relief Operation:

abhaya home became nucleus for Corona Relief Activities during 2020 – 21. The epitome of such services is abhaya Kalasam (Dry Ration Kits) provided for those affected during the tough times.  They brought many corporate companies, firms, charitable organizations, social and public sector organizations, individuals and last but the best Telangana Police Department together and conducted this distribution operation with great efficiency. Love poured, in the forms of funds and efforts. Essential goods were mobilized in tons to abhaya Home and they were further packed into individual kits of requisite components called as abhaya Kalasams by abhaya Home inmates, different groups of abhaya volunteers and well wishers and other service enthusiasts. The zeal they all showed to serve those in need, is tremendous and keen efforts of abhaya inmates to make this a success despite their own physical and mental condition cannot be described in words. Further many groups of abhaya volunteers and others took the abhaya kalsams in bundles to be distributed in more than 8 states with love and meticulous care. abhaya could do this seva to the quantum summing to the tune of Rs.5Cr


abhaya doesn’t just provide employment skills but also bestow life skills to anyone who come to learn. Many youngsters and also those of different ages are counseled by abhaya who are in need of guidance in Life. And there are also many well wishers and abhayans who walk to home seeking solace and serenity away from all the day to day chaos in Life impressed by the aesthetics and locality of abhaya Home. abhaya believes in holistic service and so it does the deeds. 

About US

abhaya Home of Happiness as we know it today is a charitable organization founded by Balachandra in the 2012 for serving the destitute….

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