abhaya Foundation

abhaya Foundation as we know it today is a charitable organization started by Balachandra in the year 2006, at Hyderabad with his personal saving with the only motive of Selfless Service. He included many likeminded kith and kin along with him in the process and formally registered the Foundation. 


abhaya’s Mission is to serve with H.E.A.R.T(Healthcare, Education, Awareness, Rural development and Transformation). abhaya has holistic approach towards service which is why we do not just serve categorically but on a wholesome level which touches each aspect of Life altogether.

The first donation made through abhaya Foundation was for a Graduate from Kakinada, Siva Krishna Kuchi, a meritorious student in need of funds to pay his fee for his Masters’ degree at Hyderabad. The first experience is always an auspicious one and turned out to be true for abhaya as well and Siva turned out to be a huge success and today he stands like a rock support to the functioning of this organization.

Apart from destitute care abhaya has been involved in other major projects, under different wings like Education, Empowerment, Environment, Enlightenment, Hunt the Winter & Hunt the Summer.

About US

abhaya Home of Happiness as we know it today is a charitable organization founded by Balachandra in the 2012 for serving the destitute….

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